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Are Sheriffs entitled to demand the payment of fees and charges before services rendered?

The service of legal documentation such as summonses, notices, applications and court orders to individuals or entities who are involved in a legal matter is crucial for the following reasons:

The rights and recourse of a tenant

The preamble of the Rental Housing Act 50 of 1999 (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”) specifically states that the Act was enacted to facilitate a sound relationship between a tenant and a landlord.

Important differences between an Independent Contractors and Employee in the context of South African Labor Law

It is to be noted that numerous organizations within the South African labour market, will attempt to circumvent the rights and protection afforded to employees in respect of both the Basic conditions of Employments Act, 75 of 1997, and Labour Relations Act, 66 of 1995, by entering into an Independent Contractor Agreement with an employee, instead of an Employment Contract.

A step in the right direction - South African’s right to a healthy environment confirmed in relation to the deadly air crisis.

The 2022 case of "The Trustees for the Time Being of Groundwork Trust and One Other v The Minister of Environmental Affairs and Others," famously coined the “Deadly Air case”, lead to a precedent setting outcome as the courts addressed the urgent need to take decisive action to reduce air pollution to ensure the protection of South African’s constitutional right to a healthy environment.

Jail for me!! Nothing for you

In this matter, divorce proceedings were instituted by the Respondent during the latter part of 2021 in the High Court of Pretoria.

Effect of an Expired PSIRA (Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority) certificate on Security Guards

As it is no surprise that the National Lockdown brought on by the World Wide Covid-19 Pandemic has had and immeasurable effect on job security and in turn caused instability in the workforce, it has become essential to educate oneself with one rights in particular to protect that very sacred asset being job security. This article in short aims to focus on the effects that an expired PSIRA certificate has on the employment and/or employability of a security guard.

The current legal position pertaining to school fees

Over the past four months your child’s class room has been replaced by the household laptop and you can’t help but sit back and wonder – “Should I still be paying for my child’s school fees even though my child isn’t getting the full schooling experience?” “What happens if I lose my job or get a salary cut – will my child’s education be jeopardized because I can’t afford to pay school fee’s anymore?”

Opinion on a Covid-19 Positive Employee

According to the Health and Safety directive published on 29 April 2020 (the ‘H&S directive’), an employee must be placed on sick leave in terms of section 22 of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA) if –