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What does a landlord do when a tenant provides a notice of beginning of business rescue proceedings?

In instances like these this means that the Tenant, being a juristic entity at law and thus not a natural person, has voluntarily placed itself under Business Rescue in terms of Section 129 of the Companies Act, 2008.

When does my duty to pay maintenance terminate?

Various divorce orders and/or settlement agreement and/or maintenance orders stipulates the following.

Who is liable to pay maintenance?

Both parents are liable to and have a duty to contribute towards the maintenance of a child.

Can contact of minor children be changed after divorce?

When a married couple makes the decision to divorce and there are minor children born from such a marriage relationship an order will be made as to who is the primary caregiver of the minor children and which parent will have a right to contact with the minor children.

Maintenance & contact of minor children

There is a common misperception that when one parent does not pay maintenance for a minor child the other parent may withhold contact between the minor child and the parent who has an obligation to pay maintenance.