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Jail for me!! Nothing for you

In this matter, divorce proceedings were instituted by the Respondent during the latter part of 2021 in the High Court of Pretoria. During May 2022 a Rule 43 Maintenance order was granted against the First Respondent. The First Respondent failed to adhere to the payments as required by the Rule 43 Maintenance order and an Urgent Application was served and filed in June 2022 where after the Respondent purged this order. During October 2022 the First Respondent issued a Rule 43(6) Application which was dismissed with costs of attorney and two counsels to be paid. The Applicant issued another urgent application against the Respondent to purge this maintenance order as the Respondent again failed to adhere to the maintenance order since July 2022. The Applicant was successful with the application and it is ordered that the First Respondent purge the order within 72 hours. Failure to do so, the Respondent is ordered to submit himself to the SA Police Services.

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