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LEVEL 4 LOCKDOWN – New Regulations

Services that may be rendered:


  • Accommodation services not permitted except for isolation ,quarantine and essential services.
  • Food delivery services subject to the national curfew which is from 09h00 – 19h00 daily. No sit down or pick up will be allowed.



  • Food agriculture and services including export of agricultural goods.
  • Essential fishing operations.
  • Essential harvesting operations.
  • Flori-culture and Forestry and beekeeping.



  • Civil engineering for public works projects including water, energy and sanitation.
  • Critical public work construction.
  • Road and bridge projects.
  • Other public work civil engineering works.
  • Critical maintenance and repairs only.



  • All Live-in staff and staff providing care to the sick, mentally ill, elderly, people with disabilities and children will be permitted.



  • All Electricity, gas and water supply will be restored.



  • If possible this sector must work from home.
  • Call centres for local and international markets may operate subject to directions issued by the relevant cabinet members.
  • Essential financial services may operate subject to directions issued by the relevant cabinet members.
  • Private security services may operate.
  • Implementation of payroll systems may operate.
  • Rental of motor vehicles, machinery and equipment and / of personal and household goods may only to support other Level 4 services.
  • Other professional services may operate only where work-from-home is not possible and only to support other Level 4 services.



  • Medical and veterinary services permitted.
  • Cleaning, sanitation, pest control, sewerage, waste- and refuse removal services.
  • Recycling of glass, paper and metal including informal recyclers operating with a workforce of 50%.
  • All social work, counselling, care and relief activities permitted.
  • Wildlife management, anti-pouching and animal care.
  • Funeral and cremation services may resume under the restrictions set out. (no more than 50 people permitted at a funeral)
  • Trade union may only include essential staff workers to cover Level 4 services, subject to directions.



  • All Telecommunications, Information and Communications technology will be permitted.
  • ICT equipment and airtime will be sold.
  • Postal services and courier services for medical products and level 4 essential and permitted services will be available.



  • 100% of workforce used for all Level 4 Essential products manufacturing.
  • 50% of workforce used for all paper and paper products, stationery, cement and construction material.
  • 50% of workforce used for all automotive manufacturing including necessary components.
  • 100% of workforce used for petroleum smelters, refineries and furnaces.
  • 50% of workforce used for all winter clothing, bedding and heating manufacturing.
  • 100% of workforce used for inputs to essential services.
  • Essential maintenance to prevent damage and to permit orderly shutdown.
  • 30% of workforce used for all other manufacturing operations supporting Level 4 Services.



  • Online services and livestreaming is permitted.
  • Newspapers and broadcasting is permitted.
  • Productions for live broadcast including television and radio will be permitted.



  • 100% of Coal production for Eskom may open.
  • 100% of open mine casting may presume.
  • 50% of any other mining operation may be opened.


More regulations:


  • Mandatory cloth masks.
  • Screening of all persons of the public and personnel on a daily basis.
  • Hygiene and social distancing of 1 meter applies.
  • Mandatory curfew between 20h00and 05h00 for all citizens, unless where a person has been granted special permission to perform an essential or permitted service or is attending to a medical or security emergency.
  • Walking, Running and Cycling is allowed between 06h00 and 09h00 within a 5km radius of your house, provided it is not conducted in an organised group.
  • No movement across provincial borders unless a person is returning to work with proof of Employment , attending a funeral, delivering essential services and learners traveling to and from school or higher education institutions on a daily basis.
  • Any person who was not at their place of residence or work before the lockdown period, and who could not travel between provinces will be allowed on a once off basis to return to their place of residence or work and will be required to remain at such place till the completion of level 4.
  • Transport is limited to three (3) people per private vehicle and 70% capacity for public transport.



  • No local or inter-provincial travel, except those operations returning for level 4 and once-off return to home;
  • No international travel
  • No passenger air and sea travel
  • No gatherings, cinemas and concerts
  • No public gym or group exercise
  • No alcohol , tobacco & related products to be sold.



  • Vehicle recovery services will be permitted.
  • Only emergency car repairs will be permitted for Level 4 services.
  • No General car services may be allowed.
  • Emergency repair work including plumbers, electricians, roof, locksmiths and repairs.



  • Cargo for domestic and other countries based on essential goods and Level 4 services only.
  • E-hailing
  • Limited public transport.



  • Food, hygienic cleaning products, protective baby care products and stationery and educational products.
  • All clothing for children.
  • Winter clothing, bedding and heating for adults.
  • Medical and hospital supplies.
  • Fuel, coal, gas and wood sales.
  • Hardware supplies for qualified tradespersons only, emergency repairs for homes and essential services.
  • Components for vehicle repairs only for essential workers.
  • Chemicals, packaging and supply only for Level 4 products.
  • Textiles required to produce face masks and other personal protective equipment.


Article by Henry Jacobs (Professional Assistant) & Dylan Kadar (Candidate Attorney at WJvR Inc)